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AdWords & Bing: Get leads with PPC Advertising

Utilising paid search adverts on Google or Bing is an excellent way to drive traffic to your website. It can work many times faster than organic search (Search Engine Optimisation or SEO) but if you don’t set up and run your campaigns correctly, it can become a costly se.

dorweb a wide range of SEO and Ad Management services to meet all budgets. With years of experience in building and optimising ad campaigns, many clients see a business advantage by choosing dorweb.  If your feeling adventurous – you can have a go yourself This blog post article will explore the following areas:

  1. The advantages of advertising on Google and Bing
  2. How to get leads from Google or Bing Ads
  3. Write your Ad
  4. Use ad extensions to help your ads stand out
  5. Set up your Google or Bing accounts

With AdWords (the brand name for Google’s advertising platform) and Bing Ads (Bing’s advertising platform), you need to manage your campaigns so you get the highest return on investment.

While a poorly managed campaign can cost more than it brings in, a well- managed campaign can attract hundreds or even thousands of leads and keep your shop or company in business.

One of our clients Jay Cunningham, for example, says with our help he was able to reduce his Google AdWords spend by 40% while at the same time quadrupling his CTR.

Essentially, success in AdWords and Bing Ads is about getting in front of people at the moment they are looking for what you offer and getting them to respond. To do that, you need to understand your audience and refine your message. And you need to keep testing and refining.

The advantages of advertising on Google and Bing

So one way you can boost your quality score is to create relevant and informative ads and content that link to other relevant pages. Your quality score will rise, and that means you pay less for a better or higher position onGoogle search than your far bigger competitors do.

The Bing advantage

The advantage Bing offers over Google is that fewer people advertise on it, which means less competition. That, in turn, means you are likely to achieve better adpositions, and there are lower costs per click (CPC).

When you advertise on Bing, your ads are shown on the,, and search engines. You can also use its advertising platform to advertise on third party websites and apps that Bing owns.

Test both platforms

If you are already running AdWords campaigns but want to know which platform performs better, Bing offers an easy to use auto import of all your current Google adverts.

How to get leads from Google or Bing Ads

Set a Goal

To start, you need to define what you want to achieve with your Bing Ad or AdWords campaign.

Know your customers’ LTV

Before you spend anything, you must know the lifetime value (LTV) of your customers. LTV is the projected revenue that a customer will generate during their lifetime.

If you don’t know your customers’ LTV, the basic formula is:
(Average Order Value) x (Number of Repeat Sales) x (Average Retention Time). This will help you to determine how much it is worth spending to generate leads.

Let’s say your customer LTV is £1000. This means that you’ll earn £1000 on average over the lifetime of doing business with your customer. If you’re paying £60 per acquisition, then you’re making more per customer than you’re spending. But if your LTV is £40 rather than £1000 and you’re spending £60 per acquisition, you’ll lose money.

Research keywords

Uncover the exact words people are using to shop for products or services like yours search engines. Google provides a free tool (the Keyword Planner) to help you identify the most commonly-searched keywords.
The more you target, the higher the return on investment will be on your paid search. There are four ways to target using keywords:

Keep adjusting your ads until you find what works best for your audience.

Write your ad

People are looking for an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, or a way to fulfil a need or desire. If you’ve got what they need, your ad is your opportunity to convince them to visit your landing page or website.
But the amount of text you can squeeze into the ad is extremely limited: you have a 130-character limit (including the Display URL).

Make your ads clear and simple

Effective ads are clear, simple, and relevant. The ads you write should closely reflect the theme of the keywords or placements in the ad group.

If you can present the searcher’s query (or something close to it) in the text of the ad, you have a greater chance of winning the click.

you write an ad, use both benefits and features. Benefits evoke an emotional response that convinces your prospective customers that you have the solution to a problem, can fulfil a need, or deliver success. Features describe the ‘nuts and bolts’ aspects of the offer, which might be free shipping or a gift. Use features to help close the decision process for the searcher, to convince him or her to use your company.

Text ads include four distinct lines plus a line with the Destination URL:

There is one additional field to complete, the Destination URL. This specifies where a click on the ad “lands” on the website or landing page. It’s better to send people to a landing page or a product or category page where they will see a direct match to the ad they clicked.

If your target audience is local, remember to use local identifiers (for example, ‘London’, ‘Dudley’ or ‘Cheshire’).

Describe what sets your product or service apart and use the language your prospective customers use. Address them directly by using words like ‘you’ and ‘yours’.

Be specific (for example, rather than ‘huge discounts’ specify the actual amount ‘50% off’).

Use ad extensions to help your ads stand out

Extensions are “add-ons” that make ads appear more relevant or useful to a searcher. They can also occupy a larger area on the search results page. There is no additional cost for using extensions, but if the extension connects a searcher with the advertiser, the advertiser is charged. You can use multiple extensions for each campaign, but not all will be applicable in every situation. There are four types of extensions: location, , products, and call.

Set up your Google or Bing accounts

Both platforms make it very easy to start advertising and will take you by step through the setup process.

Refine your ads

After your ads have run for a few weeks, you should look for ways to make them perform even better. For example, you could:


Different variations will help you to determine the best performing ad. Choose the ad variation that attracts the highest click-through rate, the highest conversion rate, or the lowest cost per acquisition (CPA), depending on your goal. By testing like this, you’ll boost your conversion rate and lower your CPA.

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