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Be you


We’ve done ‘Be seen’. We’ve done ‘Be bold’. But now we want to focus on what you do best. Being you.

Think back. To the first person who said yes. The day you took your first booking. Or the moment you rung up your first sale. The very first contract you signed. Picture the moment. And the person. At the time, you were probably so grateful, maybe you never stopped to ask them “why?” Why did they choose you? Why did they decide to do business with you? Why did they trust you? Something made them.

It’s this self-analysis that sparks great business development. Learn from your past experiences, good and bad and grow!

For example, let’s think about your logo for a moment. You should be proud of it. And liberally plaster it everywhere. You’ll definitely use it on your website, your business cards, and your stationery. You’ll use it on your brochures, folders and price lists. You might even use it on billboards, signage, vehicles or uniforms.

Over its life, how many times will it be seen? How many people drive past your premises each hour? How many visit your website each day? How many punters do you serve each week? How many mailers do you post each month?

Your logo could be seen MILLIONS of times each year.

This month we are giving you opportunities to help really make an impression. From logo to website, business cards to SSL. Every impression you can make should be a good one.

Foiled business cards are a great way to stand out from the crowd

Personalised holders are a fantastic branding tool that shows you care about attention to detail

You can even go really out there and get full sized cut outs of anything you want!

If you want to get yourself out there, and show other companies you mean business and convert browsers to buyers give us a call and let us show you what you can do!

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