Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads Website

WITH 175 MILLION active daily users and 2 billion active monthly users, Facebook provides you with an opportunity to reach people who don’t yet know your products or services but who may be interested in what you offer.

They could become valuable leads for your business.

You can run ads on Facebook, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) and it’s audience network that targets people based on their location, age, gender, behaviour, contact information and interests.
One of the advantages of online advertising like this is that you can easily measure its effectiveness. The measurement for ads is known as the click-through rate (CTR). This is calculated by dividing the number of users who clicked on the ad by the number of times the ad was displayed (impressions). So, an ad with a CTR of 3% has been displayed 100 times and clicked on three times. The higher the CTR, the more effective the advertisement is.

Facebook ads can be shown on a user’s desktop news feed or on their mobile news feed.

Mobile Ads

On mobile, Facebook’s Lead Generation Ads make customer acquisition easier and more cost-effective. Mobile users simply tap your advert, and a form pops up, already pre-populated with the contact information they’ve shared on Facebook, ready to be sent directly to you. They get the information they want—and you generate a qualified lead for your business.

How to use Facebook ads to get more leads and conversions

It’s important to use a Call To Action (CTA) button in your ad that tells people what action you want them to take when they see your ad. Make sure that the CTA accurately conveys to the user what they will be doing.

Set the right bid

There are two options for setting your bid:

  1. Automatic bidding, where the advert auction system will adjust your bid to generate the most leads possible within your budget.
  2. Manual bidding, where you set the monetary value of each lead. If you know how much each lead is worth to you, use manual bidding and make sure that you bid no less than the true value. Lower bids may reduce the number of people in your target audience who see your advert.

Set the right budget

It’s easy to reach a lot of people in one day with adverts, but getting thousands of leads in a short time can make timely follow-ups a challenge. Start with a daily budget and see how many leads you get from it to make sure that you’re able to process and follow up each lead quickly and efficiently. If you find that your business can manage a higher volume of leads, you can increase your daily budget.

It’s also best, to begin with, a small budget to test your audience selection and to make sure people are responding to your ad. You can always increase the budget once you’re confident the ad is working in the way you want it to.

Use the Facebook pixel on your website or landing page

To most accurately target, optimise and measure your lead advert campaign, you’ll need to use what’s known as a Facebook pixel. It’s an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding what actions people take on your website. You can use it to:

  • Make sure your ads are being shown to the right people
  • Build advertising audiences
  • Unlock additional Facebook advertising tools.

Ask your web developer to put it on the page of your website that can best measure the conversion that you’re looking for, such as the page that appears after someone has completed a lead form.


There are two main ways to target your ads. You can either use the Facebook audience builder where you can select an audience based on selected criteria. Or you can use what’s known as Lookalike Audiences which will target people who are like your best customers. You import a list of your customers’ email addresses or telephone numbers, and Facebook automatically finds a group of people with similar characteristics and interests to show your adverts to.

Use attention-grabbing text and images

Your advert needs to capture people’s attention as they scroll through their news feed so it must really stand out and trigger an emotional response. Whether you’re using an image, video, slideshow or carousel, choose good art-directed imagery that has a strong focal point, uses spatial depth and is thoughtfully composed.

Be aware that Facebook ads have a limited amount of space for text. Desktop ads have a 500-character limit while mobile ads have a much smaller character limit of 110.

It’s best to limit the amount of text you use on the image, according to Facebook. It will only allow you to cover 20% of an image with text. Ads that contain images with little to no image text tend to cost less and reach more people than ads with image text.

Tell people why they should share their information

Context cards appear after people have clicked the CTA button on your advert but before they get to the lead form. They are a great way to communicate detailed information about exactly what people are signing up for, which will help you get more qualified leads, according to Facebook.

Keep lead forms short

People don’t like long lead forms. They tune out which is why they can lead to lower conversion rates. It’s why it’s best to only ask for the most pertinent information in your lead advert form; you can collect any extra information when you follow up.

Limit multiple-choice answer options

To minimise the amount of scrolling for multiple-choice questions, limit the number of answer options to three or four.

Optimise your campaign

Deliver your advert to people who are likely to convert. You’ll need the Facebook pixel in place to see what kinds of people are completing your lead form. Choose to optimise the delivery of your adverts to the people who are most likely to convert.

Respond to leads

If you have a customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can get leads delivered to it automatically. This means you can respond to leads quickly. The quicker you respond, the better.

Run adverts during times when quick follow-ups are possible

If your leads require follow-ups by phone, schedule your lead advert campaigns to run when your business is operating so that people can receive follow-ups immediately after submitting their form.

Follow up when it’s most convenient for each lead

Use custom questions to find out when the best time is to reach customers. Getting in touch with people when it’s best for them will lead to a more positive user experience and help to maximise conversion rates.

Measuring success
Test and iterate

You can use conversion tracking and conversion lift studies to determine what works best for your lead advert campaign. There are many factors that you can adjust to improve the performance of your lead adverts including:

  • Your bid.
  • Your budget.
  • Your audience size.
  • Your targeting.
  • Your ad creative (image and text).
  • Your pixel placement.

The beauty of advertising on Facebook is that as well as generating leads it will help you to convert leads too.