Not a bad start to the day!


This view made the early start a little more bearable. Just a little.



What is Google Analytics?

I went to a workshop event this morning at Kingston Maurward College, which gave this amazing view of the landscape aided by the great sunshine we’ve been having recently. The workshop went into detail about Google’s analytic tool, aptly named ‘Google Analytics’, and how to use the data given to conclude how to best utilise a website, and improve on it’s functionality.

Google Analytics is a tool that all businesses should integrate with their sites. It allows users to monitor traffic coming onto their site and looks into details such as the source, what pages the visitor goes to, number of returning customers, and even demographic information such as age and location.

This analytic tool can pretty much tell you what people are attracted to on your site, see what is working and help you push those key attributes across your site to attract even more visitors leading to potential customers.



How we use it

As a web design company, we know that websites are a fantastic way to market yourselves. It’s a 24/7 shop window! But there is no use in just getting a site out there and not learn what is working and what isn’t. We apply Google Analytics to all our sites for free just to help you get going and allow you to monitor it yourselves. On top of this, we offer packages after a site has gone live which can tie in with these Google Analytic reports. Our best one for most companies is SEO, which we have blabbed on about before, but it is essentially a way to build a relationship between your website and search engines, driving more traffic to your site.

SEO and improving your site

Google Analytics is a fantastic way to keep an eye on your SEO progress, and you can adjust the work to try and create more interest in other aspects of the site. We produce monthly reports on your site if you get an SEO package with us, which helps tremendously with breaking down the huge amount of data that the analytics throw at you. We don’t hide anything. We don’t make up numbers. You have access to the same data sheet as we do, we just break it down into nice little chunks.

The course was a great eye-opener into what I already thought I understood at quite a reasonable level and will definitely help us take our site and clients sites to the next level.

If you are interested in the maintenance or SEO packages we can offer we have a little giveaway for you so you can check how your site is currently performing. It is completely free of charge, just head over to our Nettl page and contact us to get a deeper look into where your site can perform better. Here’s the link to get started.

Or you can give us a call on 01305 303333 to have a chat about it all for more information. Also, check out the ground around Kingston Maurward! It’s beautiful and you’d love it!

Speak soon!
